First of all: creating a DotPup-file requires good Linux knowledge and is something for advanced Puppy users.
How to create your own DotPup:
tar -xzP -no-same-owner -f dotpup.tar.gz
rox /tmp/readme.txt
Make the file executable.
All program-files and the readme.txt are put into the file dotpup.tar.gz.
Create a md5sum of the file
Create a md5sum of the file dotpup.tar.gz.
Puts the files, dotpup.tar.gz and md5sum.txt into the file MyProgram.pup.
Deletes the file md5sum.txt.
Deletes the file dotpup.tar.gz.
Now you have made a DotPup. If you are familiar with shell scripts you can write a shell script for creating a DotPup.
If you wish, you can offer your DotPup to other Puppy users. Upload the DotPup to the forum, category "Additional Software". Do not forget to mention for which Puppy-release the DotPup is created.